Graphviz  2.41.20171026.1811
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* $Id$ $Revision$ */
2 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=8: */
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (c) 2011 AT&T Intellectual Property
6  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
7  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
8  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
9  *
10  *
11  * Contributors: See CVS logs. Details at
12  *************************************************************************/
14 #include "digcola.h"
15 #ifdef DIGCOLA
16 #include <math.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <time.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include <float.h>
21 #include "stress.h"
22 #include "dijkstra.h"
23 #include "bfs.h"
24 #include "matrix_ops.h"
25 #include "kkutils.h"
26 #include "conjgrad.h"
27 #include "quad_prog_solver.h"
28 #include "matrix_ops.h"
30 #define localConstrMajorIterations 15
31 #define levels_sep_tol 1e-1
33 int stress_majorization_with_hierarchy(vtx_data * graph, /* Input graph in sparse representation */
34  int n, /* Number of nodes */
35  int nedges_graph, /* Number of edges */
36  double **d_coords, /* Coordinates of nodes (output layout) */
37  node_t ** nodes, /* Original nodes */
38  int dim, /* Dimemsionality of layout */
39  int opts, /* options */
40  int model, /* difference model */
41  int maxi, /* max iterations */
42  double levels_gap)
43 {
44  int iterations = 0; /* Output: number of iteration of the process */
46  /*************************************************
47  ** Computation of full, dense, unrestricted k-D **
48  ** stress minimization by majorization **
49  ** This function imposes HIERARCHY CONSTRAINTS **
50  *************************************************/
52  int i, j, k;
53  boolean directionalityExist = FALSE;
54  float *lap1 = NULL;
55  float *dist_accumulator = NULL;
56  float *tmp_coords = NULL;
57  float **b = NULL;
58 #ifdef NONCORE
59  FILE *fp = NULL;
60 #endif
61  double *degrees = NULL;
62  float *lap2 = NULL;
63  int lap_length;
64  float *f_storage = NULL;
65  float **coords = NULL;
67  double conj_tol = tolerance_cg; /* tolerance of Conjugate Gradient */
68  float **unpackedLap = NULL;
69  CMajEnv *cMajEnv = NULL;
70  double y_0;
71  int length;
72  int smart_ini = opts & opt_smart_init;
73  DistType diameter;
74  float *Dij = NULL;
75  /* to compensate noises, we never consider gaps smaller than 'abs_tol' */
76  double abs_tol = 1e-2;
77  /* Additionally, we never consider gaps smaller than 'abs_tol'*<avg_gap> */
78  double relative_tol = levels_sep_tol;
79  int *ordering = NULL, *levels = NULL;
80  float constant_term;
81  int count;
82  double degree;
83  int step;
84  float val;
85  double old_stress, new_stress;
86  boolean converged;
87  int len;
88  int num_levels;
89  float *hierarchy_boundaries;
91  if (graph[0].edists != NULL) {
92  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
93  for (j = 1; j < graph[i].nedges; j++) {
94  directionalityExist = directionalityExist
95  || (graph[i].edists[j] != 0);
96  }
97  }
98  }
99  if (!directionalityExist) {
100  return stress_majorization_kD_mkernel(graph, n, nedges_graph,
101  d_coords, nodes, dim, opts,
102  model, maxi);
103  }
105  /******************************************************************
106  ** First, partition nodes into layers: These are our constraints **
107  ******************************************************************/
109  if (smart_ini) {
110  double *x;
111  double *y;
112  if (dim > 2) {
113  /* the dim==2 case is handled below */
114  if (stress_majorization_kD_mkernel(graph, n, nedges_graph,
115  d_coords + 1, nodes, dim - 1,
116  opts, model, 15) < 0)
117  return -1;
118  /* now copy the y-axis into the (dim-1)-axis */
119  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
120  d_coords[dim - 1][i] = d_coords[1][i];
121  }
122  }
124  x = d_coords[0];
125  y = d_coords[1];
126  if (compute_y_coords(graph, n, y, n)) {
127  iterations = -1;
128  goto finish;
129  }
130  if (compute_hierarchy(graph, n, abs_tol, relative_tol, y, &ordering,
131  &levels, &num_levels)) {
132  iterations = -1;
133  goto finish;
134  }
135  if (num_levels < 1) {
136  /* no hierarchy found, use faster algorithm */
137  return stress_majorization_kD_mkernel(graph, n, nedges_graph,
138  d_coords, nodes, dim,
139  opts, model, maxi);
140  }
142  if (levels_gap > 0) {
143  /* ensure that levels are separated in the initial layout */
144  double displacement = 0;
145  int stop;
146  for (i = 0; i < num_levels; i++) {
147  displacement +=
148  MAX((double) 0,
149  levels_gap - (y[ordering[levels[i]]] +
150  displacement -
151  y[ordering[levels[i] - 1]]));
152  stop = i < num_levels - 1 ? levels[i + 1] : n;
153  for (j = levels[i]; j < stop; j++) {
154  y[ordering[j]] += displacement;
155  }
156  }
157  }
158  if (dim == 2) {
159  if (IMDS_given_dim(graph, n, y, x, Epsilon)) {
160  iterations = -1;
161  goto finish;
162  }
163  }
164  } else {
165  initLayout(graph, n, dim, d_coords, nodes);
166  if (compute_hierarchy(graph, n, abs_tol, relative_tol, NULL, &ordering,
167  &levels, &num_levels)) {
168  iterations = -1;
169  goto finish;
170  }
171  }
172  if (n == 1)
173  return 0;
175  hierarchy_boundaries = N_GNEW(num_levels, float);
177  /****************************************************
178  ** Compute the all-pairs-shortest-distances matrix **
179  ****************************************************/
181  if (maxi == 0)
182  return iterations;
184  if (Verbose)
185  start_timer();
187  if (model == MODEL_SUBSET) {
188  /* weight graph to separate high-degree nodes */
189  /* and perform slower Dijkstra-based computation */
190  if (Verbose)
191  fprintf(stderr, "Calculating subset model");
193  } else if (model == MODEL_CIRCUIT) {
194  Dij = circuitModel(graph, n);
195  if (!Dij) {
196  agerr(AGWARN,
197  "graph is disconnected. Hence, the circuit model\n");
198  agerr(AGPREV,
199  "is undefined. Reverting to the shortest path model.\n");
200  }
201  } else if (model == MODEL_MDS) {
202  if (Verbose)
203  fprintf(stderr, "Calculating MDS model");
204  Dij = mdsModel(graph, n);
205  }
206  if (!Dij) {
207  if (Verbose)
208  fprintf(stderr, "Calculating shortest paths");
209  Dij = compute_apsp_packed(graph, n);
210  }
211  if (Verbose) {
212  fprintf(stderr, ": %.2f sec\n", elapsed_sec());
213  fprintf(stderr, "Setting initial positions");
214  start_timer();
215  }
217  diameter = -1;
218  length = n + n * (n - 1) / 2;
219  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
220  if (Dij[i] > diameter) {
221  diameter = (int) Dij[i];
222  }
223  }
225  if (!smart_ini) {
226  /* for numerical stability, scale down layout */
227  /* No Jiggling, might conflict with constraints */
228  double max = 1;
229  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
230  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
231  if (fabs(d_coords[i][j]) > max) {
232  max = fabs(d_coords[i][j]);
233  }
234  }
235  }
236  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
237  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
238  d_coords[i][j] *= 10 / max;
239  }
240  }
241  }
243  if (levels_gap > 0) {
244  int length = n + n * (n - 1) / 2;
245  double sum1, sum2, scale_ratio;
246  int count;
247  sum1 = (float) (n * (n - 1) / 2);
248  sum2 = 0;
249  for (count = 0, i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
250  count++; // skip self distance
251  for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++, count++) {
252  sum2 += distance_kD(d_coords, dim, i, j) / Dij[count];
253  }
254  }
255  scale_ratio = sum2 / sum1;
256  /* double scale_ratio=10; */
257  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
258  Dij[i] *= (float) scale_ratio;
259  }
260  }
262  /**************************
263  ** Layout initialization **
264  **************************/
266  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
267  orthog1(n, d_coords[i]);
268  }
270  /* for the y-coords, don't center them, but translate them so y[0]=0 */
271  y_0 = d_coords[1][0];
272  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
273  d_coords[1][i] -= y_0;
274  }
276  coords = N_GNEW(dim, float *);
277  f_storage = N_GNEW(dim * n, float);
278  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
279  coords[i] = f_storage + i * n;
280  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
281  coords[i][j] = (float) (d_coords[i][j]);
282  }
283  }
285  /* compute constant term in stress sum
286  * which is \sum_{i<j} w_{ij}d_{ij}^2
287  */
288  constant_term = (float) (n * (n - 1) / 2);
290  if (Verbose)
291  fprintf(stderr, ": %.2f sec", elapsed_sec());
293  /**************************
294  ** Laplacian computation **
295  **************************/
297  lap2 = Dij;
298  lap_length = n + n * (n - 1) / 2;
299  square_vec(lap_length, lap2);
300  /* compute off-diagonal entries */
301  invert_vec(lap_length, lap2);
303  /* compute diagonal entries */
304  count = 0;
305  degrees = N_GNEW(n, double);
306  set_vector_val(n, 0, degrees);
307  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
308  degree = 0;
309  count++; // skip main diag entry
310  for (j = 1; j < n - i; j++, count++) {
311  val = lap2[count];
312  degree += val;
313  degrees[i + j] -= val;
314  }
315  degrees[i] -= degree;
316  }
317  for (step = n, count = 0, i = 0; i < n; i++, count += step, step--) {
318  lap2[count] = (float) degrees[i];
319  }
321 #ifdef NONCORE
322  fpos_t pos;
323  if (n > max_nodes_in_mem) {
324 #define FILENAME "tmp_Dij$$$.bin"
325  fp = fopen(FILENAME, "wb");
326  fwrite(lap2, sizeof(float), lap_length, fp);
327  fclose(fp);
328  fp = NULL;
329  }
330 #endif
332  /*************************
333  ** Layout optimization **
334  *************************/
336  b = N_GNEW(dim, float *);
337  b[0] = N_GNEW(dim * n, float);
338  for (k = 1; k < dim; k++) {
339  b[k] = b[0] + k * n;
340  }
342  tmp_coords = N_GNEW(n, float);
343  dist_accumulator = N_GNEW(n, float);
344 #ifdef NONCORE
345  if (n <= max_nodes_in_mem) {
346 #endif
347  lap1 = N_GNEW(lap_length, float);
348 #ifdef NONCORE
349  } else {
350  lap1 = lap2;
351  fp = fopen(FILENAME, "rb");
352  fgetpos(fp, &pos);
353  }
354 #endif
356  old_stress = DBL_MAX; /* at least one iteration */
358  unpackedLap = unpackMatrix(lap2, n);
359  cMajEnv =
360  initConstrainedMajorization(lap2, n, ordering, levels, num_levels);
362  for (converged = FALSE, iterations = 0;
363  iterations < maxi && !converged; iterations++) {
365  /* First, construct Laplacian of 1/(d_ij*|p_i-p_j|) */
366  set_vector_val(n, 0, degrees);
367 #ifdef NONCORE
368  if (n <= max_nodes_in_mem) {
369 #endif
370  sqrt_vecf(lap_length, lap2, lap1);
371 #ifdef NONCORE
372  } else {
373  sqrt_vec(lap_length, lap1);
374  }
375 #endif
376  for (count = 0, i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
377  len = n - i - 1;
378  /* init 'dist_accumulator' with zeros */
379  set_vector_valf(n, 0, dist_accumulator);
381  /* put into 'dist_accumulator' all squared distances
382  * between 'i' and 'i'+1,...,'n'-1
383  */
384  for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
385  set_vector_valf(len, coords[k][i], tmp_coords);
386  vectors_mult_additionf(len, tmp_coords, -1,
387  coords[k] + i + 1);
388  square_vec(len, tmp_coords);
389  vectors_additionf(len, tmp_coords, dist_accumulator,
390  dist_accumulator);
391  }
393  /* convert to 1/d_{ij} */
394  invert_sqrt_vec(len, dist_accumulator);
395  /* detect overflows */
396  for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
397  if (dist_accumulator[j] >= FLT_MAX
398  || dist_accumulator[j] < 0) {
399  dist_accumulator[j] = 0;
400  }
401  }
403  count++; /* save place for the main diagonal entry */
404  degree = 0;
405  for (j = 0; j < len; j++, count++) {
406  val = lap1[count] *= dist_accumulator[j];
407  degree += val;
408  degrees[i + j + 1] -= val;
409  }
410  degrees[i] -= degree;
411  }
412  for (step = n, count = 0, i = 0; i < n; i++, count += step, step--) {
413  lap1[count] = (float) degrees[i];
414  }
416  /* Now compute b[] (L^(X(t))*X(t)) */
417  for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
418  /* b[k] := lap1*coords[k] */
419  right_mult_with_vector_ff(lap1, n, coords[k], b[k]);
420  }
422  /* compute new stress
423  * remember that the Laplacians are negated, so we subtract
424  * instead of add and vice versa
425  */
426  new_stress = 0;
427  for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
428  new_stress += vectors_inner_productf(n, coords[k], b[k]);
429  }
430  new_stress *= 2;
431  new_stress += constant_term; // only after mult by 2
432 #ifdef NONCORE
433  if (n > max_nodes_in_mem) {
434  /* restore lap2 from disk */
435  fsetpos(fp, &pos);
436  fread(lap2, sizeof(float), lap_length, fp);
437  }
438 #endif
439  for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
440  right_mult_with_vector_ff(lap2, n, coords[k], tmp_coords);
441  new_stress -= vectors_inner_productf(n, coords[k], tmp_coords);
442  }
445  {
446  double mat_stress = new_stress;
447  double compute_stress(float **coords, float *lap, int dim,
448  int n);
449  new_stress = compute_stress(coords, lap2, dim, n);
450  if (fabs(mat_stress - new_stress) /
451  min(mat_stress, new_stress) > 0.001) {
452  fprintf(stderr,
453  "Diff stress vals: %lf %lf (iteration #%d)\n",
454  mat_stress, new_stress, iterations);
455  }
456  }
457 #endif
458  /* check for convergence */
459  converged =
460  fabs(new_stress - old_stress) / fabs(old_stress + 1e-10) <
461  Epsilon;
462  converged = converged || (iterations > 1
463  && new_stress > old_stress);
464  /* in first iteration we allowed stress increase, which
465  * might result ny imposing constraints
466  */
467  old_stress = new_stress;
469  for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
470  /* now we find the optimizer of trace(X'LX)+X'B by solving 'dim'
471  * system of equations, thereby obtaining the new coordinates.
472  * If we use the constraints (given by the var's: 'ordering',
473  * 'levels' and 'num_levels'), we cannot optimize
474  * trace(X'LX)+X'B by simply solving equations, but we have
475  * to use a quadratic programming solver
476  * note: 'lap2' is a packed symmetric matrix, that is its
477  * upper-triangular part is arranged in a vector row-wise
478  * also note: 'lap2' is really the negated laplacian (the
479  * laplacian is -'lap2')
480  */
482  if (k == 1) {
483  /* use quad solver in the y-dimension */
484  constrained_majorization_new_with_gaps(cMajEnv, b[k],
485  coords, dim, k,
486  localConstrMajorIterations,
487  hierarchy_boundaries,
488  levels_gap);
490  } else {
491  /* use conjugate gradient for all dimensions except y */
492  if (conjugate_gradient_mkernel(lap2, coords[k], b[k], n,
493  conj_tol, n)) {
494  iterations = -1;
495  goto finish;
496  }
497  }
498  }
499  }
500  free(hierarchy_boundaries);
501  deleteCMajEnv(cMajEnv);
503  if (coords != NULL) {
504  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
505  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
506  d_coords[i][j] = coords[i][j];
507  }
508  }
509  free(coords[0]);
510  free(coords);
511  }
513  if (b) {
514  free(b[0]);
515  free(b);
516  }
517  free(tmp_coords);
518  free(dist_accumulator);
519  free(degrees);
520  free(lap2);
523 #ifdef NONCORE
524  if (n <= max_nodes_in_mem) {
525 #endif
526  free(lap1);
527 #ifdef NONCORE
528  }
529  if (fp)
530  fclose(fp);
531 #endif
533 finish:
534  free(ordering);
536  free(levels);
538  if (unpackedLap) {
539  free(unpackedLap[0]);
540  free(unpackedLap);
541  }
542  return iterations;
543 }
544 #endif /* DIGCOLA */
void vectors_additionf(int n, float *vector1, float *vector2, float *result)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:629
#define MAX(a, b)
Definition: agerror.c:17
void invert_sqrt_vec(int n, float *vec)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:752
void sqrt_vec(int n, float *vec)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:725
void orthog1(int n, double *vec)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:319
void start_timer(void)
Definition: timing.c:45
EXTERN double Epsilon
Definition: globals.h:77
void invert_vec(int n, float *vec)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:714
int initLayout(vtx_data *graph, int n, int dim, double **coords, node_t **nodes)
Definition: stress.c:159
void set_vector_val(int n, double val, double *result)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:677
Definition: neato.h:21
#define tolerance_cg
Definition: stress.h:24
void set_vector_valf(int n, float val, float *result)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:685
int agerr(agerrlevel_t level, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: agerror.c:141
void square_vec(int n, float *vec)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:705
#define opt_smart_init
Definition: stress.h:43
Definition: cgraph.h:388
void vectors_mult_additionf(int n, float *vector1, float alpha, float *vector2)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:639
double vectors_inner_productf(int n, float *vector1, float *vector2)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:665
Definition: grammar.c:1264
double distance_kD(double **coords, int dim, int i, int j)
Definition: kkutils.c:171
#define max(x, y)
Definition: stress.c:794
Definition: neato.h:22
int nedges
Definition: sparsegraph.h:80
void sqrt_vecf(int n, float *source, float *target)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:737
int stress_majorization_kD_mkernel(vtx_data *graph, int n, int nedges_graph, double **d_coords, node_t **nodes, int dim, int opts, int model, int maxi)
Definition: stress.c:889
float * circuitModel(vtx_data *graph, int nG)
Definition: stress.c:199
float * compute_apsp_packed(vtx_data *graph, int n)
Definition: stress.c:772
#define MODEL_MDS
Definition: neato.h:23
Agraph_t * graph(char *name)
Definition: gv.cpp:38
int DistType
Definition: sparsegraph.h:92
#define NULL
Definition: logic.h:39
double elapsed_sec(void)
Definition: timing.c:50
EXTERN unsigned char Verbose
Definition: globals.h:64
float * compute_apsp_artifical_weights_packed(vtx_data *graph, int n)
Definition: stress.c:796
float * mdsModel(vtx_data *graph, int nG)
Definition: stress.c:739
Definition: cgraph.h:388
void right_mult_with_vector_ff(float *packed_matrix, int n, float *vector, float *result)
Definition: matrix_ops.c:594
int conjugate_gradient_mkernel(float *A, float *x, float *b, int n, double tol, int max_iterations)
Definition: conjgrad.c:168
#define N_GNEW(n, t)
Definition: agxbuf.c:20
#define FALSE
Definition: cgraph.h:35