Graphviz  2.41.20171026.1811
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* $Id$ $Revision$ */
2 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=8: */
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (c) 2011 AT&T Intellectual Property
6  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
7  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
8  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
9  *
10  *
11  * Contributors: See CVS logs. Details at
12  *************************************************************************/
15 #include "kkutils.h"
16 #include "closest.h"
17 #include <stdlib.h>
19 /*****************************************
20 ** This module contains functions that **
21 ** given a 1-D layout construct a graph **
22 ** where close nodes in this layout are **
23 ** adjacent **
24 *****************************************/
26 typedef struct {
27  /* this structure represents two nodes in the 1-D layout */
28  int left; /* the left node in the pair */
29  int right; /* the right node in the pair */
30  double dist; /* distance between the nodes in the layout */
31 } Pair;
33 #define LT(p,q) ((p).dist < (q).dist)
34 #define EQ(p,q) ((p).dist == (q).dist)
36 /*
37 Pair(int v, int u) {left=v; right=u;}
38 bool operator>(Pair other) {return dist>other.dist;}
39 bool operator>=(Pair other) {return dist>=other.dist;}
40 bool operator<(Pair other) {return dist<other.dist;}
41 bool operator<=(Pair other) {return dist<=other.dist;}
42 bool operator==(Pair other) {return dist==other.dist;}
43 */
45 typedef struct {
47  int max_size;
48  int top;
49 } PairStack;
51 static void initStack(PairStack * s, int n)
52 {
53  s->data = N_GNEW(n, Pair);
54  s->max_size = n;
55  s->top = 0;
56 }
58 static void freeStack(PairStack * s)
59 {
60  free(s->data);
61 }
63 #define push(s,x) { \
64  if (s->top>=s->max_size) { \
65  s->max_size *= 2; \
66  s->data = (Pair*) realloc(s->data, s->max_size*sizeof(Pair)); \
67  } \
68  s->data[s->top++] = x; \
69 }
71 #define pop(s,x) ((s->top==0) ? FALSE : (s->top--, x = s->data[s->top], TRUE))
73 #define read_top(h,x) ((s->top==0) ? FALSE : (x = s->data[s->top-1], TRUE))
75 #define sub(h,i) (h->data[i])
77 /* An auxulliary data structure (a heap) for
78  * finding the closest pair in the layout
79  */
80 typedef struct {
82  int heapSize;
83  int maxSize;
84 } PairHeap;
86 #define left(i) (2*(i))
87 #define right(i) (2*(i)+1)
88 #define parent(i) ((i)/2)
89 #define insideHeap(h,i) ((i)<h->heapSize)
90 #define greaterPriority(h,i,j) \
91  (LT(h->data[i],h->data[j]) || ((EQ(h->data[i],h->data[j])) && (rand()%2)))
93 #define exchange(h,i,j) {Pair temp; \
94  temp=h->data[i]; \
95  h->data[i]=h->data[j]; \
96  h->data[j]=temp; \
97 }
98 #define assign(h,i,j) {h->data[i]=h->data[j]}
100 static void heapify(PairHeap * h, int i)
101 {
102  int l, r, largest;
103  while (1) {
104  l = left(i);
105  r = right(i);
106  if (insideHeap(h, l) && greaterPriority(h, l, i))
107  largest = l;
108  else
109  largest = i;
110  if (insideHeap(h, r) && greaterPriority(h, r, largest))
111  largest = r;
112  if (largest == i)
113  break;
115  exchange(h, largest, i);
116  i = largest;
117  }
118 }
120 #ifdef UNUSED
121 static void mkHeap(PairHeap * h, int size)
122 {
123  h->data = N_GNEW(size, Pair);
124  h->maxSize = size;
125  h->heapSize = 0;
126 }
127 #endif
129 static void freeHeap(PairHeap * h)
130 {
131  free(h->data);
132 }
134 static void initHeap(PairHeap * h, double *place, int *ordering, int n)
135 {
136  int i;
137  Pair edge;
138  int j;
140  h->heapSize = n - 1;
141 #ifdef REDO
142  if (h->heapSize > h->maxSize) {
143  h->maxSize = h->heapSize;
144  h->data = (Pair *) realloc(h->data, h->maxSize * sizeof(Pair));
145  }
146 #else
147  h->maxSize = h->heapSize;
148  h->data = N_GNEW(h->maxSize, Pair);
149 #endif
151  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
152  edge.left = ordering[i];
153  edge.right = ordering[i + 1];
154  edge.dist = place[ordering[i + 1]] - place[ordering[i]];
155  h->data[i] = edge;
156  }
157  for (j = (n - 1) / 2; j >= 0; j--) {
158  heapify(h, j);
159  }
160 }
162 static boolean extractMax(PairHeap * h, Pair * max)
163 {
164  if (h->heapSize == 0)
165  return FALSE;
167  *max = h->data[0];
168  h->data[0] = h->data[h->heapSize - 1];
169  h->heapSize--;
170  heapify(h, 0);
171  return TRUE;
172 }
174 static void insert(PairHeap * h, Pair edge)
175 {
176  int i = h->heapSize;
177  if (h->heapSize == h->maxSize) {
178  h->maxSize *= 2;
179  h->data = (Pair *) realloc(h->data, h->maxSize * sizeof(Pair));
180  }
181  h->heapSize++;
182  h->data[i] = edge;
183  while (i > 0 && greaterPriority(h, i, parent(i))) {
184  exchange(h, i, parent(i));
185  i = parent(i);
186  }
187 }
189 /*
190 static bool
191 isheap(PairHeap* h)
192 {
193  int i,l,r;
194  for (i=0; i<h->heapSize; i++) {
195  l=left(i); r=right(i);
196  if (insideHeap(h,l) && greaterPriority(h,l,i))
197  return FALSE;
198  if (insideHeap(h,r) && greaterPriority(h,r,i))
199  return FALSE;
200  }
201  return TRUE;
202 }
203 */
205 static void
206 find_closest_pairs(double *place, int n, int num_pairs,
207  PairStack * pairs_stack)
208 {
209  /* Fill the stack 'pairs_stack' with 'num_pairs' closest pairs int the 1-D layout 'place' */
210  int i;
211  PairHeap heap;
212  int *left = N_GNEW(n, int);
213  int *right = N_GNEW(n, int);
214  Pair pair = { 0, 0 }, new_pair;
216  /* Order the nodes according to their place */
217  int *ordering = N_GNEW(n, int);
218  int *inv_ordering = N_GNEW(n, int);
220  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
221  ordering[i] = i;
222  }
223  quicksort_place(place, ordering, 0, n - 1);
224  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
225  inv_ordering[ordering[i]] = i;
226  }
228  /* Initialize heap with all consecutive pairs */
229  initHeap(&heap, place, ordering, n);
231  /* store the leftmost and rightmost neighbors of each node that were entered into heap */
232  for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
233  left[ordering[i]] = ordering[i - 1];
234  }
235  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
236  right[ordering[i]] = ordering[i + 1];
237  }
239  /* extract the 'num_pairs' closest pairs */
240  for (i = 0; i < num_pairs; i++) {
241  int left_index;
242  int right_index;
243  int neighbor;
245  if (!extractMax(&heap, &pair)) {
246  break; /* not enough pairs */
247  }
248  push(pairs_stack, pair);
249  /* insert to heap "descendant" pairs */
250  left_index = inv_ordering[pair.left];
251  right_index = inv_ordering[pair.right];
252  if (left_index > 0) {
253  neighbor = ordering[left_index - 1];
254  if (inv_ordering[right[neighbor]] < right_index) {
255  /* we have a new pair */
256  new_pair.left = neighbor;
257  new_pair.right = pair.right;
258  new_pair.dist = place[pair.right] - place[neighbor];
259  insert(&heap, new_pair);
260  right[neighbor] = pair.right;
261  left[pair.right] = neighbor;
262  }
263  }
264  if (right_index < n - 1) {
265  neighbor = ordering[right_index + 1];
266  if (inv_ordering[left[neighbor]] > left_index) {
267  /* we have a new pair */
268  new_pair.left = pair.left;
269  new_pair.right = neighbor;
270  new_pair.dist = place[neighbor] - place[pair.left];
271  insert(&heap, new_pair);
272  left[neighbor] = pair.left;
273  right[pair.left] = neighbor;
274  }
275  }
276  }
277  free(left);
278  free(right);
279  free(ordering);
280  free(inv_ordering);
281  freeHeap(&heap);
282 }
284 static void add_edge(vtx_data * graph, int u, int v)
285 {
286  int i;
287  for (i = 0; i < graph[u].nedges; i++) {
288  if (graph[u].edges[i] == v) {
289  /* edge already exist */
290  return;
291  }
292  }
293  /* add the edge */
294  graph[u].edges[graph[u].nedges++] = v;
295  graph[v].edges[graph[v].nedges++] = u;
296  if (graph[0].ewgts != NULL) {
297  graph[u].ewgts[0]--;
298  graph[v].ewgts[0]--;
299  }
300 }
302 static void
303 construct_graph(int n, PairStack * edges_stack, vtx_data ** New_graph)
304 {
305  /* construct an unweighted graph using the edges 'edges_stack' */
306  int i;
307  vtx_data *new_graph;
309  /* first compute new degrees and nedges; */
310  int *degrees = N_GNEW(n, int);
311  int top = edges_stack->top;
312  int new_nedges = 2 * top + n;
313  Pair pair;
314  int *edges = N_GNEW(new_nedges, int);
315  float *weights = N_GNEW(new_nedges, float);
317  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
318  degrees[i] = 1; /* save place for the self loop */
319  }
320  for (i = 0; i < top; i++) {
321  pair = sub(edges_stack, i);
322  degrees[pair.left]++;
323  degrees[pair.right]++;
324  }
326  /* copy graph into new_graph: */
327  for (i = 0; i < new_nedges; i++) {
328  weights[i] = 1.0;
329  }
331  *New_graph = new_graph = N_GNEW(n, vtx_data);
332  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
333  new_graph[i].nedges = 1;
334  new_graph[i].ewgts = weights;
335 #ifdef USE_STYLES
336  new_graph[i].styles = NULL;
337 #endif
338  new_graph[i].edges = edges;
339  *edges = i; /* self loop for Lap */
340  *weights = 0; /* self loop weight for Lap */
341  weights += degrees[i];
342  edges += degrees[i]; /* reserve space for possible more edges */
343  }
345  free(degrees);
347  /* add all edges from stack */
348  while (pop(edges_stack, pair)) {
349  add_edge(new_graph, pair.left, pair.right);
350  }
351 }
353 void
354 closest_pairs2graph(double *place, int n, int num_pairs, vtx_data ** graph)
355 {
356  /* build a graph with with edges between the 'num_pairs' closest pairs in the 1-D space: 'place' */
357  PairStack pairs_stack;
358  initStack(&pairs_stack, num_pairs);
359  find_closest_pairs(place, n, num_pairs, &pairs_stack);
360  construct_graph(n, &pairs_stack, graph);
361  freeStack(&pairs_stack);
362 }
int left
Definition: closest.c:28
int maxSize
Definition: closest.c:83
#define exchange(h, i, j)
Definition: closest.c:93
double dist
Definition: closest.c:30
int top
Definition: closest.c:48
void closest_pairs2graph(double *place, int n, int num_pairs, vtx_data **graph)
Definition: closest.c:354
#define parent(i)
Definition: closest.c:88
int right
Definition: closest.c:29
void add_edge(edgelist *list, Agedge_t *e)
Definition: edgelist.c:65
int heapSize
Definition: closest.c:82
void freeStack(nstack_t *s)
Definition: stack.c:30
Pair * data
Definition: closest.c:46
#define insideHeap(h, i)
Definition: closest.c:89
void quicksort_place(double *place, int *ordering, int first, int last)
Definition: kkutils.c:219
#define max(x, y)
Definition: stress.c:794
int nedges
Definition: sparsegraph.h:80
int * edges
Definition: sparsegraph.h:81
Definition: grammar.c:79
Agraph_t * graph(char *name)
Definition: gv.cpp:38
#define push(s, x)
Definition: closest.c:63
#define sub(h, i)
Definition: closest.c:75
Pair * data
Definition: closest.c:81
#define NULL
Definition: logic.h:39
int max_size
Definition: closest.c:47
#define right(i)
Definition: closest.c:87
float * ewgts
Definition: sparsegraph.h:82
#define top(sp)
Definition: stack.h:35
Definition: dijkstra.c:54
Definition: pointset.c:18
#define left(i)
Definition: closest.c:86
#define greaterPriority(h, i, j)
Definition: closest.c:90
#define pop(s, x)
Definition: closest.c:71
#define N_GNEW(n, t)
Definition: agxbuf.c:20
#define FALSE
Definition: cgraph.h:35
Definition: closest.c:26
Agedge_t * edge(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *t, Agnode_t *h)
Definition: gv.cpp:110
#define TRUE
Definition: cgraph.h:38